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Eat Clean Tip #4: Is Your Food Spiritual?-Part 1


Asking, “Is your food spiritual?”, couldn’t come at a better time than during our 7 Day Eat Clean Celebration!
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Is your food spiritual? Something that is spiritual has the ability to consume your mind, override your will, and stir your emotion – in a heart beat. I believe food has the ability to do just that. If you don’t believe me, just mess with someone’s food and watch what happens. It’s like messing with a mother lion feeding her cubs. Take a look!

Amazing what one will do to protect – whether it be your babies or your food!

Our survival instincts kick in just like a mother lion!

  • Food can be what drives & controls your thought life.
  • Food can be used like a drug… in hopes to fill a void in your heart & bring healing to you emotionally
  • Food can inch its way into that place in your heart – a place reserved for God only.
  • Yes, food can be very spiritual.

Is your food spiritual?… Let’s explore!

During our 7 Day Eat Clean Challenge, let’s explore and take inventory of how spiritual food is in our lives. Does it consume our mind, override our will, and stir our emotions? (Ha, sort of funny as I am eating a “mini soy ice cream sandwich” while typing this)!

I am even justifying with each and every bite…

  1. I have already eaten one clean meal today (so I am rewarding myself with dessert)!
  2. Besides, it’s a “mini” ice cream sandwich (only 4 bites)!
  3. Also it’s soy… (so not dairy).
  4. I deserve it (I’ve been working hard today)!
  5. Besides… just one won’t hurt me!

Oh, I could come up with a zillion more thoughts to justify eating this ice cream sandwich. Very legit thoughts too. Or are they?

Remember the meaning of spiritual? Something that consumes our minds, overrides our wills, and stirs our emotions. Yes ice cream can do that for me! Ha… on the other hand, I guess it would depend on how many soy ice cream sandwiches I eat and how often!

Bottom line is…

Do you find yourself justifying what you do or do not eat? Do you find that food consumes your mind, overrides your will, and stirs your emotions and like a roaring lion?  Are ready to pounce on anything that comes in-between you and your food?

Just some thoughts to ponder on today!

Check back tomorrow as I think it was the soy ice cream sandwich that helped me come up with an amazing “Is Your Food Spiritual part 2” questionnaire for you to fill out tomorrow!

In the meantime, were you able to download a copy of my “Sweet Encounter with Raw Desserts” E-Book for only $9.99? I don’t want you to miss out on what Amazon is offering for a limited time only!

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